In the latest release 3.11-28, wake2e provides an improved assessment for neighboring WTs.
For neighboring WTs that already exhibit exceedances in turbulence intensities before the planned WTs are added, unexpectedly extensive operating restrictions may be necessary in order to prevent these WTGs from being further burdened by the new planning. An alternative site-specific load calculation is often not possible in cases where e.g. a different manufacturer is involved or a load calculation for a very old WT cannot be prepared at all. In these cases it is helpful, if it can be shown that the increase in turbulence intensities can be classified as neglectable with respect to the overall fatigue load of the WT.
Until now, this always had to be decided by the expert on a case-by-case basis. The new version of wake2e now performs this assessment automatically.
In the PDF report you will find a new column on the far right with the results of this assessment. We hope this makes planning and repowering in existing wind farms easier for you and helps to identify and minimize risks with existing WTs in time.