More detailed display of wind turbines which are not to be considered
Two different kinds of the status “not considered” of a WT have been introduced:
- not to be considered, but relevant to the results (icon with dark grey background)
- not to be considered and not relevant to the results (icon with black background)
This leads to the following WT-symbols:
- light blue = planned and to be considered
- purple = existing and to be considered
- black = existing, relevant to the results but not to be considered
- dark grey = existing (or not defined), not relevant and not to be considered
WT and reference point with a distance less than 10 m are combined in the map
If the distance between the WT site and the reference point is less than 10 m, the reference point symbol is hidden and the WT symbol with a reference point (red frame around the WT symbol) is taken instead.
Declaration of the rotor diameter
If the rotor diameter of a certain WT type is declared in the WT database, it is taken from the database and cannot be changed in the WT dialog in wake2e. The rotor diameter in the input file is overwritten as well.
The rotor diameter of the WT types “Standard WEA” (Code: 001–001–001) and “Standard WEA up to 65m RD” (Code: 001–002–001) can still be changed.
If the rotor diameter in the input file differs from the rotor diameter in the data base, a warning is displayed during data upload.
The setting “Distance between considered WT” can be changed in the dialog “Extended settings”
If the distance between considered WT shall differ from the default value 8.0, it can be changed to 5.0 or 10.0 in the dialog “Extended settings”.
Saving the WT dialog is impossible until a WT type is selected
While editing the properties of a WT, the changed properties are highlighted in colour. Furthermore the WT dialog cannot be saved until the WT type selection is completed.